Bemo Rail delivers new BRDE-60 locomotive to RET

New BRDE-60 locomotive for RET in Rotterdam

At Bemo Rail, we take pride in our contribution to the efficient and safe maintenance of infrastructure. Recently, we delivered a brand-new BRDE-60 locomotive to RET (Rotterdam Electric Tram).

Specifically designed for the maintenance of the Rotterdam metro network, this impressive locomotive plays a crucial role in nighttime operations and can also be used to tow stranded metro trains.

Extensive testing phase on the railways

Before deploying the BRDE-60 on the busy Rotterdam metro network, we thoroughly tested the locomotive. These tests initially took place on the tracks of the Steam Foundation Hoorn-Medemblik.

This location was chosen because we had only a limited number of nighttime hours available on the Rotterdam network. Conducting the tests at night was essential to avoid disrupting the regular daytime schedule. This solution allowed us to fine-tune the locomotive’s performance in a controlled environment.

After this phase, we transported the locomotive to Rotterdam, where it was tested on the metro network over four consecutive nights.

The deserted Rotterdam metro network provided a surreal setting reminiscent of a film set, with empty platforms and, occasionally, only a group of mice as spectators.

Test nights in Rotterdam: challenges and results

The first night did not go entirely smoothly. The Scharfenberg couplers initially did not function as desired, making the coupling of work wagons a challenge. Eventually, we managed to connect two work wagons, and the locomotive began its journey toward Kralingse Zoom station.

With two coupled work wagons, each weighing 20 tons, the BRDE-60 was then tested in the Benelux tunnel.
The tunnel’s inclines provided an ideal environment to evaluate the locomotive’s traction power.

The third night brought the heaviest test yet.

With four work wagons and a total weight of 48 tons, the locomotive navigated through the River Tunnel toward Leuvehaven. The BRDE-60 effortlessly handled steep inclines and tight curves, even with a heavy load consisting of rail profiles and a turnout. After extensive testing, the locomotive returned to the depot on ’s-Gravenweg.

During the final test night, the BRDE-60 was tested both with and without a load on routes between Rotterdam Central and Blijdorp station. These final tests confirmed the robustness and versatility of the locomotive.

Certification and future use

A special aspect of this locomotive is that it had to be specifically certified according to TCVT standards due to its use on the RET metro network. This certification process is essential to ensure safety and reliability in an urban environment.

The BRDE-60 will primarily be used for maintenance work on the Rotterdam metro network during the night over the coming years. It replaces older locomotives that have been in service for more than 60 years.

Occasionally, the locomotive may also be used to tow stranded metro trains, with a weight of up to 65 tons, in order to minimize disruptions to the schedule.

Collaboration between Bemo Rail and RET

The BRDE-60 locomotive is an impressive example of innovation and custom design in rail technology. Thanks to the thorough testing phase and adjustments, the locomotive can now be deployed with confidence in Rotterdam. We would like to thank RET for their collaboration and look forward to future projects where we can improve infrastructure and support mobility.

Below is a short video slideshow showcasing the project >>

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